August 11, 2017
Property is purchased and donated by Kyle X. Mufti, naming his vision for it the Jack Pine Conservation Estate with plans to establish non-profit land conservancy.

Jack Pine Conservation is a non-profit association that provides research, conservancy, and education for Kaladar’s Jack Pine Barren Reserve
The 188-acre parcel was a candidate for Environmental Protection (EP) and recognized for its significant natural heritage values. Initially identified as an International Biological Preserve (IBP) site in 1974, it was subsequently identified as a provincially significant Area of Natural Scientific Interest (ANSI) in the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) former Tweed District Land Use Guidelines (1983) and confirmed as a Life Science ANSI in Site District 6-10 (White 1993).
The property is a by-appointment only facility. The estate will be open to the public after construction completion in 2023. All proceeds raised at event bookings, through merchandise, or other means on the premise are reinvested back into a variety of programs that benefit the Jack Pine Conservation Reserve’s inhabitants.
Property is purchased and donated by Kyle X. Mufti, naming his vision for it the Jack Pine Conservation Estate with plans to establish non-profit land conservancy.
Quinte Conservation’s planner and ecologist Tim Trustham was invited for a site visit report and review of the landscape. Construction was approved with a 30m setback from wetlands and road access determined based off minimal impact of plant and trees by following old logging road that was excavated in the past. Incredible environmental insight from Tim and a wonderful relationship had begun.
Site visit with Ken Buxton along with garage and conservation layout pre-build. Approval to proceed with main structure and road works granted upon septic and building permits via contractors awarded each tender.
Test holes for septic dug and application filed for permits to install septic for conservation and washroom facilities.
Entrance and building permit approval granted by Ken Buxton, CBO from Addington Highlands Township to erect a 23’ tall timber frame entrance for conservation.
Site Plans reviewed for finalization with CBO for the vision of Jack Pine Conservation, consisting of 8 separate buildings to facilitate fundraising venue and educational center.
Tenders awarded to local contractor who begins meetings with township and preparing for construction of main conservation, catering pavilion, outdoor washroom facilities, outdoor events pavilion, refreshment building, granite ridge lookout building, granite ridge educational building, and maintenance building.
Well drilled for watering of tree planting initiatives.
Parking lot investment completed to allow for education field trip and visitation parking across from entrance way.
Construction halted for 1 year due to safe working COVID-19 practices.
The granite barren ridge point is a million-dollar view. It’s a beautiful property.
It's certainly a large project but we cannot wait to complete it. Many generations will benefit from this.
Hiking out to those steep ridges was breathtaking. So much nature to fall in love with. Difficult, but worth it.
A beautiful location for anyone planning their future event and an incredible Canadian landmark.